Saturday, December 22, 2007

How To Change Oil On Your Car

How To Change Oil On Your Car 
By JessicaT 
Wow, you are actually going to change your oil all on your own.Well, I say good for you!You will soon learn that it is so much easier than those mechanics would like you to know.

They would rather you bring it to them on a regular basis so they can charge you for all the other maintenance services they provide.And these are services you can do yourself as well.This article will tell you how to change oil in a quick and easy way. 

You will need to go to your auto parts store to get 5 quarts of name brand oil.You also need a very high quality oil filter, don't use a cheap filter.Also ask for an oil filter wrench or a metal strap wrench. You also need a container to catch the oil, one that will seal closed. 

Ok…now you are ready to get to work.Check to see that you will be able to fit to work under your car.You might need to jack up the front some, best to have some supports.

Have a buddy there in case of an accident.Before you climb under your car, remove the oil cap.Now to get under for the fun stuff. 

You will want to place the oil tray under the oil plug.At the lowest point of the pan, you will see the plug, remove this.The oil will drain out into your tray, it will take a few min.

When the oil is completely drained, go ahead and put the plug back in.Be sure not to screw it in too tight, this will strip it.Now you want to move your drain pan under the oil filter.There will be some that will leak as you remove the filter. 

With your wrench, turn the oil filter counter clockwise.Once it is loose enough, remove it using your hands.As I said earlier, there will be some oil that will come out.

On your new filter, you will see a rubber gasket.Coat the entire gasket with some of the new oil.This will make it easier to remove on the next oil change. 

Time to screw the new oil filter on using only your hands.Now you are ready to screw in the new oil filter.Turn it clockwise until you feel it tight.Now you can use your filter wrench to turn it another ¼ to ½ turn to seal it.You are done under the car now.Time to fill up with your new oil.You are ready to put your new oil in.It should take 5 quarts.

Put your cap on and then turn on your engine and let it run for about 5 minutes.After that, check your dip stick. Now you have discovered how to change oil all by yourself and have nice clean oil in there.With nice clean oil, you are ready to go.

Save yourself money on your car maintenance by doing it yourself. Discover how at Car Care Tips.

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